the banana

the banana

How much money have you already spent on reaching your target audience? Too much? That’s what we thought. Exposing your brand through advertising always leaves a bit of a nasty aftertaste. After realising exposure is paid for, it does feel less sincere. That’s why word-of-mouth advertising will always be the more convincing and genuine option compared to paid advertising.

In the world of social media, word-of-mouth advertising is called ‘sharing’ and everybody in the online world knows that ‘sharing is caring’. Sharing is as sincere as word-of-mouth advertising, with the exception that it spreads faster and more widely than our good old offline word-of-mouth ever did. Naturally, this type of digital word-of-mouth advertising is what everybody’s striving for. With this in the back of our minds, we always try to conceive our projects in such a way that they ask to be shared. To boost the sharing potential of our projects, we take several factors into account.



First off, the brand we are working with needs to have personality and attitude. If it doesn’t, that’s where we start to (re)brand. The personality of the brand, and its attitude accordingly, are paramount to making an audience love (or hate) the brand. If people feel they can relate to the brand, they’ll be inclined to share it with peers because it emphasises their personality and communicates the values they hold dear. However, having personality and attitude is not enough. The next step is to translate these features into something that’s tangible and shareable. We aim to create settings, a tone of voice, moments, that communicate the brand’s attitude, are photographable and ultimately shareable.






The more personality and attitude a brand has, the better it works. Yet conveying a strong attitude can only be achieved by choosing a certain point of view. This always leads to haters and lovers. No friends without enemies. No compromises or grey solutions. Daring to stand out and making a statement is key. To settle for compromises is to be left in the dark, with no haters but no lovers either. The result? Online silence. So, when the people from YUP Hotel asked us “why a banana carpet?”, we told them to wait and see…
